nosikot (nosikot) wrote,

Рейтинги фильмов о динозаврах

Собственно речь пойдет о "Юрских парках", точнее как их оценили американе:

5) "Юрский парк-3"
Just completely unremarkable in every way, and somehow manages to completely dodge the “corporations are dumb and bad” thing that the entire rest of the franchise is about.


4) "Юрский мир"
This one is a huge mess, and makes very little sense. But the dino thrills are pretty fun, as is having a human villain who is so cartoonishly evil.

3) "Затерянный мир. Юрский парк"
This one often gets a bad rap, but it really only deserve it in comparison to Spielberg’s original. On its own, “The Lost World” is still a blast.

2) "Юрский мир. Павшее королевство"
Director JA Bayona takes a pretty pedestrian script and turns it into a thrilling experience that is a hell of a lot of fun. It also is incredibly topical, giving the series’ its most stupid and brazenly evil rich villain yet (that’s a compliment). It also redeems one big item from “Jurassic World” — Blue is a legit character this time around.

1) "Юрский парк"
An easy choice, as Spielberg’s original film stands head and shoulders above the rest of the series. “Jurassic Park” is one of the greatest popcorn flicks of all time.

Я, правда, посмотрел свой первый фильм о динозаврах еще в 70-е - это была японская "Легенда о динозаврах" - технически хуже "пластилиновой вороны", но было забавно!

Вроде снимают очередной "Парк" сейчас...

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